
Dr. Martens & Music

Dr. Martens Credit Al Schaben



In the UK, Dr. Martens has a long association with music through its punk heritage and protest roots, known for breaking the norm and advocating for progress.

To ensure any new global music activity was informed by credible and authentic insights, Platform13 was tasked to unpack what challenges are facing those who are underrepresented in the music industry in 2022, globally…and a recommendation for how this brand could make a positive impact credibly in music.



Whilst the music industry is globalised, we can’t assume that the challenges and barriers are the same everywhere.

Our global research team designed a quantitative and qualitative methodology across four countries; Japan, Germany, UK and the US - that would respect and reflect these important nuances.

Speaking to a broad and representative mix of local communities and individuals at different stages of their journeys either getting into or already in the industry meant we were able to better understand this vast audience’s needs, local landscapes and challenges.



A three part global report, included insights from across all phases of our research - from music industry experts to aspiring individuals looking to take their first step. Our report also recommended short/mid and long term strategies, roadmaps and execution ideas for the brand.

Photographer credit: Al Schaben


Penhaligons: POTIONS launch

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Culture led brandsThe debut book from Leila Fataar